Mata Hatiku

Hai! Namaku Chrysanova. Selamat datang dib log Mata Hatiku. Blog ini dibuat untuk menampung beberapa tulisanku sekalian buat “pamer”,hehehe. Buat kalian yang udah repot-repot datang,kenapa nggak kalian sumbangin komentar biar ke depannya kita semua bisa nikmatin cerita yang lebih bagus di sini. OK,segitu aja dari aku. Selamat membaca ya. Thanks a lot.

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

My Great Experience

My Great Experience

On Tuesday, the last May, 31st 2011 some people came to my home. Their visit really made me happy, because they interested to know about my life as a people with low vision. I have known one of them. Mrs. Dedeh was an English teacher of my beloved old school, SMAN 1 Subang. She came to my home with her friends and also her husband. When we met she introduced me to her friends who were coming from Nederland.  They were Sharon, Linda, and Jori. Mrs. Dedeh told me that her friends were practising in SLBN Subang that not far from my home. Because of they taught disability people, so they interested to know about me, my blog and also how I operated my computer. They were very kind and they looked enjoy to see me operated my computer. One of the points that made me happy was when I said that I really want to study about music. So Sharon reasonly asked me to play keyboard together. I was happy to learn from her but I was shy because I couldn’t play well. So everybody who read this written could say that my ability was so less. But I would tried to study everything I could.

My new friends from Nederland just stayed at my home for a few hours.  And Mrs. Dedeh told me that they would go leave Subang a few days after. That was a pity, because I just know them in the end of their visiting in Subang. In the end of our meeting Mrs. Dedeh’s husband took our picture by my mobile phone. They would go leave Subang but I thought a memory of that moment would always saved in my mind. It’s really an unforgetting experience. In the end of this written I thought I had to thank to Mrs. Dedeh to introduced myself to our Dutch guests. I could try to speak English with them although my English was not good. But I thank to God to gave me a great experience to get new friends.  And in the last of course I said thank you so much to my new frends. So that moment gave me a new spirit to do the better things for myself and another people in this world. It could be reached if I  would try  to increase my ability to get brighter future. Once again, to all of the visitors who has read this written I didn’t forget to say thank you so much. I hoped it would give us spirit to be better and better together .